Assume the coasting is an infinite straight line. Land is in one side of coasting, sea in the other. Each small island is a point locating in the sea side. And any radar installation, locating on the coasting, can only cover d distance, so an island in the sea can be covered by a radius installation, if the distance between them is at most d.
We use Cartesian coordinate system, defining the coasting is the x-axis. The sea side is above x-axis, and the land side below. Given the position of each island in the sea, and given the distance of the coverage of the radar installation, your task is to write a program to find the minimal number of radar installations to cover all the islands. Note that the position of an island is represented by its x-y coordinates.
The input consists of several test cases. The first line of each case contains two integers n (1<=n<=1000) and d, where n is the number of islands in the sea and d is the distance of coverage of the radar installation. This is followed by n lines each containing two integers representing the coordinate of the position of each island. Then a blank line follows to separate the cases.
The input is terminated by a line containing pair of zeros
For each test case output one line consisting of the test case number followed by the minimal number of radar installations needed. "-1" installation means no solution for that case.
Sample Input
3 2
1 2
-3 1
2 1
1 2
0 2
0 0
Sample Output
Case 1: 2
Case 2: 1
各ポイントをx軸に「投影」します。ここで、投影とは、そのポイントまでスキャンするレーダーをマークするx軸上のオプションの位置を指します。 実装に関しては、この範囲のレーダーは変化点をスキャンできます。 したがって、質問は、質問のコンテキストに合うように、間隔に含まれるポイントの数に変換されます。
次に、左から右に、間隔の左側が前の間隔に埋め込まれている場合、これら2つの間隔に必要なレーダーは1つだけです。 複数のアナロジー。 したがって、左から右にトラバースします(この間隔の左右の配置は、間隔の右端点の左右の配置です)。次の間隔の左側がこの間隔の右側よりも小さい場合、次の間隔は無視して計算できません。
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct interval{ double start; double end; bool being_occupied; }; vector<interval> inter; bool cmp(interval a,interval b){ return a.end<b.end; } int main(){ // freopen("TrueExample.txt","r",stdin); // freopen("Out.txt","w",stdout); for(int example=1;;example++){ inter.clear(); int n,d; cin >> n >> d; if(n==0&&d==0) return 0; bool can_t=false; if(d<0) can_t=false; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ int px,py; cin >> px >> py; if(py>d) can_t=true; interval I; I.being_occupied=false; I.start=(double)px-sqrt(d*d-py*py); I.end=(double)px+sqrt(d*d-py*py); inter.push_back(I); } if(can_t){ cout << "Case " << example << ": -1" << endl; continue; } sort(inter.begin(),inter.end(),cmp); int points=0; for(int i=0;i<inter.size();i++){ if(inter[i].being_occupied) continue; inter[i].being_occupied=true; for(int j=i+1;j<inter.size();j++){ if(inter[j].start<=inter[i].end){ inter[j].being_occupied=true; } if(inter[j].start>inter[i].end) break; } points++; } cout << "Case " << example << ": " << points << endl; } }
2 5
-3 4
-6 3
4 5
-5 3
-3 5
2 3
3 3
20 8
-20 7
-18 6
-5 8
-21 8
-15 7
-17 5
-1 5
-2 3
-9 6
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 7
9 6
10 5
0 0
2 3
0 2
2 3
2 3
0 2
1 3
3 3
1 2
-3 2
2 4
8 5
2 4
-4 4
-3 3
-3 1
-3 0
-1 0
0 5
6 0
3 0
1 2
-3 1
2 1
3 2
1 2
-3 1
2 1
1 2
0 2
2 3
0 2
2 3
4 -5
4 3
4 3
2 3
6 -9
3 -3
1 2
-3 2
2 1
6 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
-3 1
2 1
0 0
1 2
0 2
2 3
0 2
1 3
3 10
1 10
2 3
4 5
3 5
1 10
2 3
4 5
4 7
1 10
2 3
4 5
0 0
3 9
1 10
2 3
4 5
0 0
case 1: 1
case 2: 2
case 3: 4
case 4: 1
case 5: 1
case 6: -1
case 7: 3
case 8: -1
case 9: 2
case 10: 1
case 11: 1
case 12: -1
case 13: -1
case 14: 2
case 15: 1
case 16: 1
case 17: 1
case 18: -1
case 19: -1
case 20: -1